Ozzie Gooen

Ozzie Gooen

Ozzie Gooen

The Squiggly language (Short Presentation, 2020)

A short presentation from 2020 about a very early version of Squiggle

Ozzie Gooen

Downsides of Small Organizations in EA

Recently I partipated in the EA Strategy Fortnight, with this post on the EA Forum. There are some good comment threads there I suggest checking out. Note: Our main work recently has been on making a “Squiggle Hub” that we intend to announce in the next few weeks, so there’

Ozzie Gooen

Ozzie, on the Mutual Understanding Podcast

Hear me ramble on coordination, government, and estimation systems

Ozzie Gooen

Relative Value Functions: A Flexible New Format for Value Estimation

We just published a blog post outlining the details of relative value functions. This was touched on in the presentation I sent out yesterday. https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/EFEwBvuDrTLDndqCt/relative-value-functions-a-flexible-new-format-for-value The post has several code sections and tables, so I won’t attempt to copy that over here. Instead,

Ozzie Gooen

Presentation: Estimating Everything Everywhere Always

An overview of our plan at QURI

Ozzie Gooen

Upcoming QURI Events

An online presentation this Thursday, and a Berkeley meetup next Tuesday

Ozzie Gooen

Conveniences in Thought and Communication

Communication often makes winners and losers. I propose we use the term "convenience" to help clarify what's going on.

Ozzie Gooen

Patrick Gruban, on Effective Altruism Germany and Nonprofit Boards in EA

Here’s a discussion between myself and Patrick Gruban. Patrick Gruban is the co-director and managing director of Effective Altruism Germany and the co-founder and managing director of Rosy Green Wool. He is a serial entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in different fields, including software development, visual arts,

Ozzie Gooen

Squiggle 0.7.0

New functions, ESM Modules, a better Playground editor, several fixes

Ozzie Gooen

Owain Evans on Ideas for Language Models

A varied discussion about Truthful AI, AI composition, and possibilities for language models like ChatGPT

Ozzie Gooen

Accuracy Agreements: A Flexible Alternative to Prediction Markets

A simple proposal to convert money into complex forecasts

Ozzie Gooen / Nuño Sempere

Winners of the Squiggle Experimentation and 80,000 Hours Quantification Challenges

In the second half of 2022, we announced the Squiggle Experimentation Challenge and a $5k challenge to quantify the impact of 80,000 hours' top career paths. For the first contest, we got three long entries. For the second we got five, but most were fairly short. This post