Ozzie Gooen

Ozzie Gooen

Ozzie Gooen

Squiggle AI, Published to the EA Forum

Introducing Squiggle AI — EA ForumWe’re releasing Squiggle AI, a tool that generates probabilistic models using the Squiggle language. This can provide early cost-effectiveness models…Effective Altruism Forum LogoOzzie Gooen We have previously written about Squiggle AI here, but waited until it was more tested and we had a better

Ozzie Gooen

Wrapping up 2024

We’ve been busy with a variety of things over the November-December season, though few make clean public blog posts or releases. * Software improvements and maintenance * Squiggle: Published Squiggle v0.10 * SquiggleHub: Replaced GraphQL with React Server Components. This means that pages load faster and developer velocity should be higher.

Ozzie Gooen

Squiggle Workshop in Washington DC this Thursday

If you happen to be around Washington DC, I'll be doing a free ~1.5hr Squiggle workshop this Thursday evening. It will cover the basics, and I'll of course be around afterwards for extended discussion. Make sure to bring a laptop. See more information and RSVP

Ozzie Gooen

Squiggle AI: Better Annotation, Customization

We've been hard at work improving Squiggle AI since our last announcement. Our latest update introduces a style guide, flexible documentation steps, and improved workflows that make it easier to create clear, well-documented models. New Style Guide & Step One major challenge with the original version of Squiggle

Ozzie Gooen

Enhancing Mathematical Modeling with LLMs: Goals, Challenges, and Evaluations

Introduction Summary Mathematical models are important tools for reasoning and decision-making across diverse fields. With the advent of large language models (LLMs), there's an opportunity to integrate these AI systems with formal mathematical modeling, potentially enhancing the capabilities and applications of both. However, evaluating the quality and effectiveness

Ozzie Gooen

Squiggle AI: An Early Project at Automated Modeling

We're releasing Squiggle AI on SquiggleHub. Squiggle AI runs long sequences of LLM calls in order to write, fix, and improve Squiggle code. Use it here Squiggle AI is a significant improvement over our previous experiments with Squiggle GPT and simple Claude prompts, offering more reliability and customization

Ozzie Gooen

Current Claims and Cruxes on LLM Forecasting & Epistemics

I think that recent improvements in LLMs have brought us to the point where LLM epistemic systems are starting to be useful. After spending some time thinking about it, I've realized that such systems, broadly, seem very promising to me as an effective altruist intervention area. However, I

Ozzie Gooen

LLM-Secured Systems: A General-Purpose Tool For Structured Transparency

Researcher Notes: This is a semi-polished ideation & formalization post. I spent about a week on it. It's a bit outside our main work at QURI, but I thought it was promising enough to be worth some investigation. I've done some reading into this area, and

Ozzie Gooen

Manifest 2024 & Squiggle

ManifestManifest is a forecasting and prediction markets festival hosted by Manifold Markets. June 7-9, 2024. Berkeley, California. Manifest 2024 was this last week, along with Manifest Summer Camp. You can see the schedules for these here. I gave two Squiggle workshops, one Squiggle presentation, and three focused events. Each session

Ozzie Gooen

"Full Automation" is a Slippery Metric

Research Status: Written & researched quickly. I think the key point is fairly simple and obvious. I relied on Claude to help with rewriting. There's been a growing interest in predicting when various products or jobs will be "fully automated." Will we soon have popular movies,

Ozzie Gooen

A Case for Superhuman Governance, using AI

I believe that: 1. AI-enhanced organization governance could be a potentially huge win in the next few decades. 2. AI-enhanced governance could allow organizations to reach superhuman standards, like having an expected "99.99" reliability rate of not being corrupt or not telling lies. 3. While there are

Ozzie Gooen

Ideas for Next-Generation Writing Platforms, using LLMs

I've been doing more writing recently and have been heavily leaning on LLMs to help. This has been useful, but it seems clear that the fundamental LLM abilities are far outpacing the frontends and tools that use them. Here's a quick list of ideas that I&